Wednesday, 2 September 2009


I had a surprise visit yesterday from Gavin, who got me doing artwork last year for ITV's 'Britannia High'. This time he wanted to hire a couple of paintings for use on set of his current production, which is BBC's 'Scallywagga', a comedy show which apparently isn't so funny, but hey ho. I might have to watch it now to try and spot the paintings, oh dear. Lovely to be remembered by them anyway!

I'm looking forward to tonight, as the in-laws are currently visiting, and Nick's mum will be host to a palm reading session and we have a few friends coming round. I'm meant to think of a question I want the answer to but I'm not sure I want to know anything! It should be a really fun night anyway.

My final bit of visitor-related news is possibly the most exciting...a real life woodpecker on the peanuts in our garden! The feeders only went out relatively recently and I've been pleased with just a few blue tits sniffing around, so I was uber pleased to see Woody out there. Like a paparazzi I took a picture as evidence, but I will have to add the picture at a later date as I don't seem to have the right cable with me today, d'oh.

Time to get on with a commission, then another to crack on with after that, no rest for the wicked!

EDIT: Terrible picture of woodpecker taken from far away in the back bedroom added...


Nell said...

Woot! Hope I get to take a peek a Woody tonight...

Unknown said...

We demand more news - now! Anyone would think you were busy painting or something.....