Thursday, 24 December 2009


Early New Year's a better blogger!

I've had a fantastic year so thank you to everyone who has supported me. I'm excited about next year already. Only a couple more hours of studio time left in 2009, then I will be travelling oop north, to eat and sleep and generally be merry.

See you in 2010!


Wednesday, 2 September 2009


I had a surprise visit yesterday from Gavin, who got me doing artwork last year for ITV's 'Britannia High'. This time he wanted to hire a couple of paintings for use on set of his current production, which is BBC's 'Scallywagga', a comedy show which apparently isn't so funny, but hey ho. I might have to watch it now to try and spot the paintings, oh dear. Lovely to be remembered by them anyway!

I'm looking forward to tonight, as the in-laws are currently visiting, and Nick's mum will be host to a palm reading session and we have a few friends coming round. I'm meant to think of a question I want the answer to but I'm not sure I want to know anything! It should be a really fun night anyway.

My final bit of visitor-related news is possibly the most exciting...a real life woodpecker on the peanuts in our garden! The feeders only went out relatively recently and I've been pleased with just a few blue tits sniffing around, so I was uber pleased to see Woody out there. Like a paparazzi I took a picture as evidence, but I will have to add the picture at a later date as I don't seem to have the right cable with me today, d'oh.

Time to get on with a commission, then another to crack on with after that, no rest for the wicked!

EDIT: Terrible picture of woodpecker taken from far away in the back bedroom added...

Wednesday, 26 August 2009


A shout out about our current exhibition here at the Craft Centre...

A new exciting show which opened on Saturday 15th August, which embraces the diversity of this staple material. Whilst wood may be a medium primarily associated with furniture, we have assembled a selection of makers all using wood in very different ways which exemplify its versatility and sustainability.


In other news I've been getting increasingly addicted to paninis from neighbouring independent business 'Bread and Butter' on Tib Street. I'd recommend them, although really I should behave and start bringing packed lunches again.

I've had a fairly unexciting day in the studio today, although productive nonetheless...I've sorted through and rearranged cupboard and drawer space, reordered supplies online, and done the recycling, as well as a bit of work on signage in the studio and some little paintings.

Starting to think about food as usual, but it will have to wait as I have a tenant's meeting here at the Craft Centre this evening. Must remember to pick up some Nurofen for the other half on the way home as he has come down with something - he best hadn't give it to me!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

erm, august, already?

Hmm, it seems I'm not natural born blogger, considering my last update was in March, and it is now August...however I thought I would give my mother (avid blog reader and writer, well, avid in comparison to me) a minor heart attack by actually updating.

All is good both at the studio and at home, after moving both. Nick and I have done the stereotypical Mancunian twenty-something move from little city centre flat to the smug but lovely suburb of Chorlton. It's a sprawling three-bed semi with a garden, which was only affordable because it needed a blooming good clean, but after doing a lot of scrubbing it is now a comfortable home, and we have even conquered the slug problem. There's fresh air, a nature reserve 10 minutes walk away, and even closer is a large park which comes complete with rabbits, guinea pigs, and a goat. We've already had three crumbles and a fruit tart from apples and blackberries in the garden. The only downside has been changing my commute from two minutes to half an hour/45 mins, but a good book can do wonders for that, and I think it helps me separate work from home.

Kathryn and I moved to the studio next door back in May. It became vacant, and we realised it would be easier to decorate next door and move across than decorate our own studio, which was just starting to get a bit ragged around the edges. It is the same size, but comes with nicer flooring, a window which opens, and plumbing for a sink, so we went for it. It was also an opportunity for Kathryn to have more of a say with regards to decor, as she wasn't here when I did the first studio. Fortunately, I love her taste.

Painting continues to keep me busy busy busy. Apologies for the lack of new work appearing on the website - I've had so many commissions there hasn't been a lot of time for new work - I can't complain really. More new ones asap. I'm exhibiting again at Eighth Day Cafe, right now, and will possibly be exhibiting at the Bowery in Leeds later in the year, and in November will be part of the Craft & Gift Fair at the Portico Library and Gallery. I got my first royalty cheque from The Art Group for greetings card sales, yippee! Turns out they have sold about 16 000 so far, which is great.

So to finish, some pictures of the new studio...enjoy!
(I've just realised the pictures are a little out of date already - we've put up some lovely wallpaper in Kathryn's corner - you'll just have to imagine it for now).

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

new news

Hooray hooray, some nice people from The Art Group have contacted me to say they would like to publish 8 of my designs as greetings cards worldwide! I was feeling a bit cautious about it in case my images weren't good enough quality, but I was sent layouts to approve this morning and it looks like it will be going ahead. Brill!

Since Christmas I have been busying away with commissions, so not a huge amount of news on the new work front. However, I will have an exhibition opening at Littleborough Gallery on April 16th, so if you will be in or around the area please do check it out.

A wonderful new exhibition has opened here at the Craft Centre, so yet another reason to pay us a visit!

Bye for now!

Saturday, 24 January 2009

horror vacui

Today is the opening event for the new exhibition here at Manchester Craft & Design Centre, 'Horror Vacui' or 'Fear of the Void'. It's an international touring jewellery exhibition, and this is the only place you can see it in the UK. More details can be found on the MCAD website here. The event is 2pm - 4pm with complimentary hot spiced port, and music for your ears.

I'm in the studio today, it's been a long 6 day working week though so I'm going to take it easy - cups of tea and the crossword are the order of the day. Tomorrow is a day off, so hopefully by Monday I will be refreshed and ready to throw myself back into work. Crammed in three previews last night, at International 3, Cube and the Cornerhouse. I was a bit worried about the real life pig at the Cornerhouse, but it looked very comfortable and happy snuffling in its straw, blissfully unaware of its new found fame.

Next week I have two commissions to get started on, plus new work to do for Mooch, and I need to finally get round to taking new stock to Blossom. Plenty to keep me occupied. Also planning on going to the opening of Jim Medway's new show at Common, just a street away from the Craft Centre.

Ooh, its colder than I thought it would be today, may have to nip home for an extra layer and some mittens...

Friday, 16 January 2009


Meet Pooble. He was born about 5 years ago, but has never really lived! I think he will be my picture book starting point.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

joys of january

Oh dear, not one little post from me during December, shocking! Despite my obvious failure in the blogging department (which I am trying to rectify, starting today!) I had a great festive period and even topped last year's sales, so it's fantastic to be still going in the right direction especially during these troubling times. I have everything crossed that this year will be the same...only time will tell.

So what's new...just before Christmas I got an invitation from Eighth Day Cafe to exhibit there again. It was a little short notice so I'm not there yet, but the last exhibition I had there went down really well, so hopefully Ill be there again in the near future. It's a lovely little cafe. Cards and little canvases have been selling well at Blossom in Chorlton, and I'm preparing a new delivery of goodies for them at this minute. I have a couple of commissions underway which are keeping me busy. Look out for an exhibition in April at Littleborough Gallery...more about that nearer the time. Yesterday I experimented with a new canvas featuring the humble blue tit, so a new range may be on the's always nice to try something new. I've also been approached by local freelance journalist Martin Hewitt about an interview, so I'll divulge more about that in due course.

Ooh, I did a post!