Tuesday, 30 September 2008

mr snowman

This year I'm going to be selling small packs of Snowman Christmas cards. There are already plenty of festive items to be seen in the shops, which makes me realise that not everybody is as last minute as me when it comes to Christmas shopping, so I've set cogs in motion and the cards should be in my shop in the next few weeks.

Tonight is 'badge-making in front of the football' night...

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

the art group

I realise this is my third post today, but never mind! I've had some good news this afternoon...perhaps more than a year ago, I sent some images of work to The Art Group. They used one of my designs in a presentation to Next, who unfortunately didn't go for it. I had an email today from them saying they have been keeping an eye on my website and would like to use an image in a presentation to Laura Ashley. There's no way to know if Laura Ashley will like the work, but it's great to be remembered and involved!

fair trade a go go

I'm really pleased to have discovered a suitable supplier of fair trade cotton bags, so before too long the printed bags available in my studio will all come with fair trade assurance. The shipment is due to arrive in about a week so expect an array of lovely fair trade bags coming your way soon!

jingle bells

It's less than 100 days until Christmas, how did that happen! At the moment, along with the odd commission and top-up work for exhibitions, I'm trying to concentrate on adding to my stock of little paintings, with the run up to Christmas in mind. This is a 12" square one I have just finished.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

telford's warehouse, chester

Some pics from my ongoing exhibition in Chester...


I had an email from Becky at Blossom florists in Chorlton a couple of days ago. Paintings and cards are continuing to sell well there since I began the exhibition to tie in with Chorlton Arts Festival, and Becky has invited me to continue selling work there which is great news. Look out for new paintings and greetings cards there soon!

Monday, 22 September 2008

little mention

I'm very pleased to have had a small mention in the Guardian's guide to England's Cityscapes, in an article about the Northern Quarter a couple of Saturdays ago. I was on my jollies at the time so didn't get to stumble across it myself, but luckily about five people saved it for me to see. Yippee!

'...beautiful nature-inspired paintings from Lily Greenwood...'


Welcome to my new blog! Tune in for snippets of all things Lily Greenwood...